​​The Hole In The Wall Gang NY


All CAS Matches are held at the Calverton Range

Sign in 9AM.     Shoot’n starts 9:30AM.
Match Entrance Fee: $20.00

January - No MatchesJanuary 17 

February - No Matches

February 20

March 9 - Cowboy Action Match

​March 23 - cowboy Rifle

March 19

April 13 - Cowboy Action Match

April 27 - Range Maintenance

April 16

May 11 - Cowboy Action Match

May 18 - TBD

May 21

June 8 - Cowboy Action Match

June 22 - TBD

​June 18

July 13 - Cowboy Action Match

July 27 - TBD

July 16

Aug 10 - Cowboy Action Match

Aug 24 - TBD

​Aug 20 (TC Nominations)

Sept 7 - Cowboy Action Match

Sept 28 - TBD

Sept 17

Oct 12 - Cowboy Action Match

Oct 26 - TBD 

Oct 15 

Nov 9 - Cowboy Action Match

Nov 23 - TBD

Nov 19 (TC Elections)

Dec 7 - TBD

Dec 21 - TBD

No Meeting